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GSoC: Midterm Evaluation
Midterm Evaluation
Dates: 25th July, 2022 to 29th July, 2022
Contribution/Task Accomplishment till now
Task | Description | Task Status | Estimated/Required Time |
casbin-grpc | The casbin-grpc repository was not maintained in a while and had incomplete code. So I was supposed to maintain the repository. | Given to another contributor, I took on to develop axum-casbin-auth. Devoted some time to understand the repository and what is required to do | 1 week |
axum-casbin-auth | Implement axum web framework(middleware) with casbin. Its a access control middleware for axum framework | Completed | 2.5 Weeks |
casbin-rs/examples | The examples repository was not updated since, I had to update the dependencies and resolve the upcoming errors. Also, there is reimport of tokio which I need to resolve | Completed | 1-1.5 week |
axum-middleware-example | Develop a real-world example using axum-casbin-auth | Ongoing | 2.5 weeks |
128 Words
2022-07-26 10:15